Special projects in Biomedical Engineering
Project no.8
Partecipation at the First Global Forum on Medical Devices organized by the World Health Organization (WHO) and presentation of a project for the realization of a medical device at low cost for the diagnosis of malaria and AIDS in developing countries. The project “Portable on-site cell sorter and counter for HIV and malaria diagnosis” has been recognized by the WHO among the 15 innovative research technologies for global health in the Call for Innovative Technologies That Address Global Health Concerns.
Project no.4
Dielectrophoresis (DEP) represents a promising method in biomedical research for label-free cell manipulation without physical contact, by exploiting the dielectric properties of cells suspended in a microfluidic sample, under the action of high-gradient electric fields.
The project aimed to develop a portable instrument, integrating on the same device the microfluidic biochip for cell manipulation and all the laboratory functions that are normally obtained by combining different nonportable standard laboratory instruments.
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