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Biomedical System Engineer

  • July 2016: STMicroelectronics, Agrate Brianza (MI), Italy. Company Quality Management System & medical quality procedures.

  • May 2015: Italian Association of Clinical Engineers (AIIC), Cagliari, Italy. The value of laboratory medicine in clinical-care pathways: regulatory, technological, organizational and social aspects of a modern, dynamic and complex production system.

  • May 2015: Italian Association of Clinical Engineers (AIIC), Cagliari, Italy. The design of laboratory areas: strategic vision and specific experiences.

  • May 2015: National Convention of the Italian Association of Clinical Engineers (AIIC), Cagliari, Italy. Medical devices: towards an increasingly integrated approach.

  • October 2014: Order of Engineers of the Province of Monza and Brianza, Monza, Italy. Safety of medical devices and controls on-field.

  • July 2014: Institute of Physics, London, United Kingdom. Dielectrophoresis 2014.

  • June 2014 : TUV Sud, Casalecchio di Reno (BO), Italy. Update on European regulation on medical devices and in-vitro-diagnostics devices.

  • May 2014 : Order of Engineers of the Province of Milano, Milan, Italy. Electromagnetic fields: effects on human health and technical standards.

  • January 2014 : STMicroelectronics, Milan, Italy. Leg. No. 213/2001 on Administrative Responsibility of Companies and the Model of Organization, Management and Control.

  • January 2014 : STMicroelectronics, Milan, Italy. Introduction to FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis).

  • February 2014 : GSISR, Milan, Italy. CE regulation No. 1223/2009 on Cosmetic Products.

  • February 2013 : MEDTEC Europe Conference, Stuttgart, Germany. Update on regulation on medical devices: FDA approval process and EU medical device law.

  • February 2013 : IMQ, Milan, Italy. ISO 13485 and ISO 14971 standards.

  • June 2012: PATH and the University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA. Fifth Annual Point-of-Care Diagnostics for Global Health – GHDx Course 1.

  • May 2012: Linkoping University and Elsevier, Cancun, Mexico. Summer School on Biosensors.

  • October 2011: European COMSOL Conference, Stuttgart, Germany. Numerical Modeling in COMSOL Multiphysics.

  • March 2011 : MEDTEC Europe Conference, Stuttgart, Germany. Regulation on medical devices: FDA approval process and EU medical device law. 

  • January 2011 : Order of the Engineers of the Province of Brescia, Italy. Updates in medical device regulation: from the CE 93/42 to the CE 2007/47. 

  • December 2010 : National Instruments at STMicroelectronics, Agrate Brianza (MI), Italy. LabVIEW Core 1 and LabVIEW Core 2. 

  • June 2010: STMicroelectronics, Agrate Brianza (MI), Italy. The management of human resources in STMicroelectronics.

  • May 2010: Ospedali Riuniti di Bergamo Clinical Hospital, Bergamo, Italy. Innovative therapies based on stem cells.

  • November 2009: STMicroelectronics, Agrate Brianza (MI), Italy.  Team Effectiveness: tools to improve teamwork.

  • April 2009 : STMicroelectronics, Agrate Brianza (MI), Italy. Personal effectiveness: behavioural tools to improve the effectiveness of communication.

  • November 2008 : STMicroelectronics, Agrate Brianza (MI), Italy. Introduction to Labview for data acquisition and analysis and process control.

  • July 2008 : STMicroelectronics, Agrate Brianza (MI), Italy. LSF Training For End-users: use of LSF (Load Sharing Facility) for the execution and remote control of programs in distributed systems.

  • April 2008 : Fondazione dell’Ordine degli Ingegneri della Provincia di Milano, Milan, Italy. “The World of Nanotechnology”.

  • April 2008 : Camera di Commercio di Milano, Milan, Italy. BioInItaly 2008, organized by Assobiotec: presentation of the best italian research projects in biotechnology to italian and foreign investors.

  • May 2007, July 2007, November 2007 : STMicroelectronics, Agrate Brianza, Milan, Italy. Innovation LAB: “BIO TO BIT, from centralized healthcare to distributed wellness”.  
    February 2007 : COMSOL srl, Brescia. COMSOL Multiphysics Workshop. AC/DC Electromagnetics Module Workshop. MEMS Module Workshop. RF, Microwaves and Photonics Module Workshop. Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering Workshop. Structural Mechanics and Thermo-Mechanical Workshop. Thermo-Fluid dynamics Workshop. 

  • June 2006 : IFOM, Milan, Italy. “NANOMEDICINE, Research and Higher Education”. 

  • May 2006 : Provincia di Milano, Milan, Italy. “Italian Biotechnology Directory Facts & Trends Analysis, Report 2006”. 

  • March 2006 : The MathWorks, Milan, Italy. Matlab and Simulink for Image Processing applications.  

  • February 2006 : The MathWorks, Milan, Italy. Matlab, Simulink and Stateflow. Industry Day “Signal Processing in MATLAB”.

  • February 2006 : Fondazione dell’Ordine degli Ingegneri della Provincia di Milano, Milan, Italy. “Bioengineering and biotechnology: novel aspects of research, industrial and clinical applications”.  

  • March 2005 : The MathWorks, Milan, Italy. Industry Day “Image Processing in MATLAB”.  

  • February 2004 : Humanitas Gavazzeni Clinical Hospital, Bergamo, Italy. “Coronary artery disease: novel aspects of pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment”.  

  • September 2003 : XXII Annual School of Bioengineering, Bressanone, Bolzano, Italy. XXII Annual School: “Bioengineering of Posture and Motion”. 

  • September 2002 :  XXI Annual School of Bioengineering, Bressanone, Bolzano, Italy. XXI Annual School: “Biomedical Tissue Engineering”.


A portable and integrated instrument for cell manipulation by dielectrophoresis. Burgarella S, Di Bari M. A portable and integrated instrument for cell manipulation by dielectrophoresis. eLECTROPHORESIS. Volume36, Issue13, Special Issue: Dielectrophoresis 2015, July 2015, Pages 1466-1470,  doi: 10.1002/elps.201400481.


A portable instrument for cells manipulation by dielectrophoresis. Burgarella S, Di Bari M. A portable instrument for cells manipulation by dielectrophoresis. Proceedings of DIELECTROPHORESIS 2014 – First International Conference on Dielectrophoresis; 2014 July 14-16, London, UK.


Evaluation of Dielectrophoresis for the Isolation of Pancreatic Islets from Exocrine Tissue. Burgarella S, Merlo S, Figliuzzi M, Remuzzi A. Evaluation of Dielectrophoresis for the Isolation of Pancreatic Islets from Exocrine Tissue. Proceedings of the XXXI National Conference on Cytometry; 2013 October 8-11, Lucca, Italy. Poster award winner.


Isolation of Langerhans islets by dielectrophoresis. Burgarella S, Merlo S, Figliuzzi M, Remuzzi A. Isolation of Langerhans islets by dielectrophoresis. Electrophoresis. 2013 Apr;34(7):1068-75. doi: 10.1002/elps.201200294. Epub 2013 Feb 18.


Isolation of Pancreatic Islets by Dielectrophoresis. Burgarella S, Merlo S, Figliuzzi M, Remuzzi A. Isolation of Pancreatic Islets by Dielectrophoresis. Proceedings of BIOSENSORS 2012 – 22nd Anniversary World Congress on Biosensors, 15-18 May 2012, Cancun, Mexico.


Comparison of computational methods for the estimation of the dielectrophoretic force acting on biological cells and aggregates in silicon lab-on-chip devices. Burgarella S, Maggioni F, Naldi G. Comparison of computational methods for the estimation of the dielectrophoretic force acting on biological cells and aggregates in silicon lab-on-chip devices. Proceedings of European COMSOL Conference 2011, 26-28 October 2011, Stuttgart, Germany.


A modular micro-fluidic platform for cells handling by dielectrophoresis. Burgarella S, Merlo S, Dell’Anna B, Zarola G, Bianchessi M. A modular micro-fluidic platform for cells handling by dielectrophoresis. Microelectronic Engineering , 2010, vol. 87, p. 2124-2133.


A modular platform for cell characterization, handling and sorting by dielectrophoresis. Burgarella S, Bianchessi M, Merlo S. A modular platform for cell characterization, handling and sorting by dielectrophoresis. Proceedings of BIOSENSORS 2010 – 20th Anniversary World Congress on Biosensors, 26-28 May 2010, Glasgow, UK. Paper no P.3.3.012.


Point-of-care systems for rapid DNA quantification in oncology. Bianchessi M, Burgarella S, Cereda M. Point-of-care systems for rapid DNA quantification in oncology. Proceedings of the OECI 2008 Scientific Week; 2008 May 20-24, Genoa, Italy. Tumori, 94: 216-225, 2008.


A modular platform for cell characterization, handling and sorting by dielectrophoresis. Burgarella S, Dell’Anna B, Zarola G, Perna V, Merlo S. A modular platform for cell characterization, handling and sorting by dielectrophoresis. Proceedings of the European COMSOL Conference 2009; 2009 Oct 14-16, Milan, Italy.


Numerical modeling of dielectrophoretic forces acting upon biological cells in silicon lab-on-chip devices. Burgarella S, Bianchessi M, De Fazio M. Numerical modeling of dielectrophoretic forces acting upon biological cells in silicon lab-on-chip devices. In: Petit J M, Squalli O, editors. Proceedings of the European COMSOL Conference 2007; 2007 Oct 23-24, Grenoble, France; p. 675-680.


Heart Friends Around The World: an opportunity to promote heart health in Africa. Burgarella F, Burgarella S. Heart Friends Around The World: an opportunity to promote heart health in Africa. Conference Proceedings of the 1st All African Conference on Heart Disease, Diabetes and Stroke: Pan African Society of Cardiology (PASCAR) annual meeting; 2007 May 13-16; Nairobi, Kenya.


Heart Friends Around The World: an opportunity to promote heart health in China. Burgarella F, Burgarella S. Heart Friends Around The World: an opportunity to promote heart health in China. Conference Proceedings of the 6th Asian-Pacific Congress of Hypertension (APSH 2007) and the 9th International Symposium on Hypertension and Related Diseases; 2007 Nov 16-19, Beijing, China. Code APCH2007-03-009, section 2, p. 88.


MicroGen: a MIAME Compliant Web Application Supporting Distributed Collaborative Management and Sharing of Microarray Experiment Information. Burgarella S, Cattaneo D, Masseroli M. MicroGen: a MIAME Compliant Web Application Supporting Distributed Collaborative Management and Sharing of Microarray Experiment Information. In: Chen J, Chang, editors. Proceedings of IEEE/NIH BISTI Life Science Systems and Applications Workshop 2007; 2007, Nov 8-9, NIH, Bethesda, Maryland, USA. [CD-ROM] ISBN 978-1-4244-1813-8. Singapore, Singapore: Research Publishing Service; 2007; p. 1-4.


A web-based multi-database system supporting distributed collaborative management and sharing of microarray experiment information. Burgarella S, Cattaneo D, Masseroli M. A web-based multi-database system supporting distributed collaborative management and sharing of microarray experiment information. In: Bates DW, Holmes JH, Kuperman G, editors. Biomedical & health informatics: from foundations to applications to policy. Proceedings American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) 2006 Annual Symposium; 2006, Nov 11-15; Washington, DC. ISBN 0-9647749-0-5 [CD-ROM]. Madison, WI: Omnipress; 2006; p. 868.

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